Launched in 2003, the EcoLeague is a consortium of liberal arts colleges and universities dedicated to ecologically focused education and research as well as modeling sustainability through their operations and facilities. Member colleges span the United States and offer students exchange opportunities to learn in diverse ecosystems and communities with faculty who have a wide range of disciplinary and regional expertise. These opportunities are essential for students who are preparing to live and work in a global and interconnected world. While most consortia in the United States are based on geographic proximity, the EcoLeague consortium is grounded in bio-regional, sustainability-focused education.
Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2023/24, the EcoLeague consortium is currently comprised of six member colleges. The EcoLeague includes colleges across the United States: Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, AK; College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, ME; Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA; New College of Florida in Sarasota, FL; Northland College in Ashland, WI; and Prescott College in Prescott, AZ. While modeling sustainability through programs and facilities may be commonplace in today’s world, many EcoLeague colleges chose this path years ago and became national environmental and sustainability leaders.

Faculty Collaboration
EcoLeague faculty members collaborate across disciplines on courses, research, projects, and other opportunities.

Student Exchanges
Students can easily attend another member college taking advantage of unique coursework or programs at that college while gaining educational credits toward their degrees and living in a different environment.

Shared Programs
EcoLeague colleges collaborate on courses, academic certificates, and academic programs to offer a wide range of opportunities to students and faculty.
Member Colleges
Launched in 2003, the EcoLeague consortium is comprised of six member colleges across the United States. The consortium promotes and facilitates student exchanges and faculty collaborations across the six member campuses. Students may participate in up to two semester-long exchanges at any of the EcoLeague member institutions. EcoLeague students and faculty benefit from the rich exchanges and collaborations created out of the vast cultural, geographic, and environmental diversity represented across these bio-regions, from east coast to west coast. The EcoLeague's coordinating body rotates between its member colleges. Currently, Dickinson College is the coordinating body, and the EcoLeague's office is located at Dickinson's Center for Sustainability Education.