EcoLeague to Present at Green Schools National Conference

From March 4 – 7, advocates for green, healthy and sustainable K-12 schools from around the United States will be gathering in Virginia Beach at the Green Schools National Conference. The EcoLeague will not only have a booth in the exhibition hall, but will be presenting a program for middle and high school students at the Student Summit happening concurrently with the conference. Just as the EcoLeague believes in connecting resources and awareness across member schools, it supports teachers and students striving for sustainability at all educational levels.
“Connecting the Dots: From Green Schools to Green Colleges to Green Careers” is an interactive session that will help students understand the connections possible when attending an environmentally-focused college and the unique opportunities they present for entering green careers. Two students from Eco League schools, Kaylee T from Northland and Lexie R from Dickinson, will share their experiences about attending colleges, and the growth they have experienced through studying at Eco League colleges. EcoLeague representatives Alan Brew from Northland College and Andrew Hunsinger from Green Mountain College will also participate in the interactive session, which will highlight the Green 360 Career Catalyst, an online resource that helps students discover how their individual passions and skills fit with green careers. Working backwards from these results, Alan and Andrew will outline pathways students can take through their current secondary school classes and future university career that will best prepare them for our green future.